TimberHP rolls out its first products
By June Donenfeld
All photos courtesy TimberHP
TimberHP in Madison, North America’s first manufacturer of wood fiber insulation, plans to start selling the first of its three product types this spring, with loose fill available in April, followed by press-fit batts and continuous board insulation by the end of the year.
According to company information, the carbon-negative TimberFill, TimberBatt and TimberBoard will be drop-in replacements for conventional insulation products and will meet all residential fire standards, dampen sound and provide R-values of 3.6 to 4 per inch, depending on product type.
The company uses a technology common for decades in Europe to manufacture insulation products free of toxins and abrasive fibers, using wood chips left over from lumber production in addition to low-grade, woody biomass produced by sustainable forest thinning.
Wood fiber insulation is highly vapor permeable, so it can dry to the inside and outside of buildings, reducing conditions that lead to mold, mildew and rot.
This article appeared in the Spring 2023 edition of Green & Healthy Maine HOMES. Subscribe today!
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