Maine Wood
The benefits of choosing local building materials
Wood is often the most affordable option for many building components. And sourcing locally can be as easy as driving to the nearest building supply store. Most of the pine boards and two-by-fours sold in Maine, for example, came from Maine, even those sold in big-box stores.
Other wood products take a bit more time and effort. Check out the Maine Wood Guide for a comprehensive list of suppliers organized by product category. The guide features an interactive map of 100+ sawmills, wood turneries, shingle mills and wood manufacturers.
You can feel good about sourcing wood from Maine. Maine is a national leader in forest acreage under sustainable forest management protocols. Buying local wood reduces the carbon footprint of building construction. And buying Maine wood is good for the planet and good for our rural neighbors working in the woods and mills.

Lee Burnett is the retired project director of Local Wood WORKS, promoting sustainable forestry and high-value wood products. As project director, he maintained their online Maine Wood Guide and organized conferences and tours.

Jennifer Dann is the project manager for Local Wood WORKS, promoting Maine’s high-value wood products and sustainable forestry.