Passive House rises in the mountains of Millinocket Design / BuildGreen & Healthy MaineFebruary 18, 2025home profiles, passive house, Passive House, Four Winds DesignComment
Long Falls Dam: Turning a seasonal cabin into a year-round home for four Design / BuildGreen & Healthy MaineJanuary 16, 2025renovation, case study, solar, home profilesComment
The True Cost of Living in Maine Energy, LifestyleGreen & Healthy MaineJanuary 16, 2025green real estate dispatch, real estateComment
The Story of Upfront Carbon: How a Life of Just Enough Offers a Way Out of the Climate Crisis LifestyleGreen & Healthy MaineJanuary 16, 2025book review, booksComment
'The joy is in the making': C.H. Becksvoort’s lifelong love of woodworking LifestyleGreen & Healthy MaineDecember 15, 2024maine craftsmanshipComment
Maine Technology Institute celebrates 25 years of investments Sponsored content Read More Sponsored contentGreen & Healthy MaineDecember 14, 2024Comment
Stay warm this winter: Backup power & space heating EnergyGreen & Healthy MaineDecember 11, 2024heating & coolingComment
Beyond aesthetics: Choosing interiors for sustainability and health Lifestyle, Design / BuildGreen & Healthy MaineDecember 10, 2024Balance Design Studio, Jan Robinson InteriorsComment
Building Science 101: Kitchen appliances evolve LifestyleGreen & Healthy MaineDecember 5, 2024building science 101, bs 101, building scienceComment
When life gives a downed tree, make lumber LifestyleGreen & Healthy MaineDecember 3, 2024Local Wood Works, local wood works, building materials, Maine Wood, maine woodComment
Matt Senecal reflects on 30 years of building energy-efficient homes Design / BuildGreen & Healthy MaineDecember 3, 2024Senecal Construction ServicesComment
Radon: A health risk with an easy fix LifestyleGreen & Healthy MaineNovember 27, 2024Maine Indoor Air Quality Council, indoor air quality, Indoor air qualityComment
Brunswick home makes it easy to age in place Design / Build, LifestyleGreen & Healthy MaineNovember 6, 2024home profiles, N-E ConstructionComment
New loan options tailored to the needs of financing Accessory Dwelling Units LifestyleGreen & Healthy MaineOctober 28, 2024financing, adus, accessory dwelling unitsComment
New website launches for finding clean energy jobs in Maine LifestyleGreen & Healthy MaineOctober 28, 2024workforceComment
Green Jobs for ME to prepare 300 workers for renewable energy careers LifestyleGreen & Healthy MaineOctober 28, 2024workforceComment
Pre-apprenticeships aim to diversify the trades workforce LifestyleGreen & Healthy MaineOctober 28, 2024workforceComment
Governor Mills signs executive order to boost number of women in construction LifestyleGreen & Healthy MaineOctober 28, 2024maine legislation, workforce, industry newsComment