Choosing a cleaner and safer floor finish

Use this, not that

By Steve Konstantino

A squeegee style brush applies a medium toned polyurethane stain to an unfinished harwood floor

Traditional floor finishes can contain harmful chemicals and contribute to pollution and indoor air quality issues. Finishing a wood floor in a new house is often done just prior to moving in, which means the exposure to the occupants can be very high. Choosing a cleaner and safer floor finish can minimize your environmental impact and create a healthier living environment. Here are some tips:

1. Look for low VOC content.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are chemicals that vaporize at room temperature and can have adverse effects on human health and the environment. When selecting a floor finish, opt for products with very low or zero VOC content. These finishes release fewer harmful chemicals into the air, ensuring better indoor air quality and reducing the risk of respiratory problems and other negative health effects. To ensure you’re making a healthy choice, look for a finish labeled as “low VOC” or “VOC-free.”

2. Choose a water-based finish.

Traditional solvent-based or oil-based finishes often contain high levels of VOCs and can release harmful fumes during and after application. Water-based finishes, on the other hand, have significantly lower VOC content and are safer for both the environment and human health. Water-based finishes also tend to dry faster and have a milder odor, making them more convenient to use.

3. Prioritize natural and renewable ingredients.

Another factor to consider is the ingredient composition of the floor finish. If possible, choose finishes that are made from natural and renewable ingredients, such as plant oils and waxes. These products are more sustainable and biodegradable, reducing the long-term environmental impact. Choosing natural finishes can also help you avoid harmful chemicals like formaldehyde, phthalates (which are typically not labelled as such), and heavy metals, as these can have negative health effects and contribute to pollution.

4. Considerations for chemical sensitivities.

If you have high chemical sensitivities or other health challenges, you may want to “sample” the finish before use. Have a small flooring sample made with the finish applied and cured for a few days, then hold it near you and see how your body reacts.

5. Consider durability and maintenance.

Choosing an environmentally responsible floor finish is not only about the initial selection but also about long-term sustainability. To minimize the need for frequent refinishing or replacement, look for finishes that are known for their durability, such as Vermont Natural Coatings®, Bona®, EcoSafety Products, or AFM Safecoat®. A durable finish will reduce waste and the consumption of additional resources. Additionally, consider the maintenance requirements of the finish. Finishes that are easy to clean and maintain without the need for harsh chemicals are preferable. Some natural wax and oil finishes may need to be re-applied more often and may take more effort to keep clean. Low-VOC water-based polyurethane may be easier to maintain.

Selecting an environmentally responsible floor finish is a great step toward creating a healthier living environment. By choosing low-VOC, water-based finishes with natural and renewable ingredients, we can minimize our impact on the environment and improve indoor air quality. Considering durability and maintenance will further ensure a responsible choice.

Fall 2023 edition of Green & Healthy Maine HOMES

This article appeared in the Fall 2023 edition of Green & Healthy Maine HOMES. Subscribe today!

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