459 Sound Drive, PO Box 66, Mount Desert, ME
Zero Energy Homes is a new builder of high performace homes at an affordable, accessible price point. We're working to launch a modular manufacturing facility in Maine in 2025. Our homes are made with 80-90% Maine materials.
The first demonstration home is being built in Searsport, Maine in an affordble housing subdivision, with construction starting in fall 2024. Once the home is finished and before it is sold, Zero Energy Homes will hold a series of Open Houses for neighbors and potential customers.
A mission-based company, Zero Energy Homes will be powered by the sun, good building science, and employee ownership.
First designs by BrightBuilt Home, Portland, Maine.
Zero Energy Homes is a mission-based company working to triple solve for housing, climate, and rural economic development.
Our homes will be built to US Dept of Energy net zero energy standards.
We are committed to sourcing sustainably including Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified wood from Maine.
By operating as an employee-owned cooperative, Zero Energy Homes is committed to the principles of a democratically-run business where employees share in the profit and board election.
“I own a small plot of land where I hope to build my forever home. My vision has always been to build locally to support my community with a focus on sustainability. In my search to find a company to build with, I met one major obstacle, cost. Near-net-zero homes built sustainably often come with a large price tag which is unfortunately out of my reach as a single income household working in the nonprofit world. That was, until I came across Zero Energy Homes. The concept was exactly what I was looking for, modular homes built with sustainable materials and affordable to an ‘average Jane,’ like me!”