Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming


EDITED BY PAUL HAWKEN, Penguin Books, 2017

We asked the Green & Healthy Maine HOMES advisory panel to share what they’re reading these days, and which books have had a profound impact on how they approach their work.

Drawdown describes the 100 most substantive solutions to global warming. For each solution, the book describes its history, the carbon impact it provides, the relative cost and savings, the path to adoption, and how it works. The goal of the research that informs Drawdown is to determine if we can reverse the buildup of atmospheric carbon within thirty years. All solutions modeled are already in place, well understood, analyzed based on peer-reviewed science, and are expanding around the world. “To be clear, our organization did not create or devise a plan. We do not have that capability or self-appointed mandate. In conducting our research, we found a blueprint that already exists in the world in the form of humanity’s collective wisdom, made manifest in applied, hands-on practices and technologies. Individuals, communities, farmers, cities, companies, and governments have shown that they care about this planet, its people, and its places. Engaged citizens the world over are doing extraordinary work. We are finding and telling their stories.”

This article appeared in the Spring 2020 edition of Green & Healthy Maine HOMES. Subscribe today!

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