Senecal Construction Services

Green Homes Business Directory

Green Building & Design


343 Bath Road
Brunswick, ME 04011

Senecal Construction Services, LLC. is a team of experienced professionals who manages all aspects of construction projects for our clients. We are committed to designing and building energy efficient, beautifully crafted homes, additions and renovations. We move through the building process with careful adherence to budgets and timelines, with our reliable team of choice architects, designers & contractors directed by a project manager who understands the importance of good communication.


At Senecal Construction Services, we build with the environment in mind. By building sustainably, homeowners improve air quality, increase energy efficiency, conserve water and save money.
Most green buildings are high quality buildings; they last longer, cost less to operate and maintain, and provide greater occupant satisfaction than standard developments. What surprises many people unfamiliar with this design movement is that good green buildings often cost little to no more to build than conventional home designs.

Articles Featured In

Net-Zero Subdivisions

Green & Healthy Maine HOMES Fall/Winter 2018