Every household can get close to Net-Zero carbon emissions by reducing energy needs and switching to solar energy combined with hyper efficient electric appliances like heat pumps, battery storage, and electric vehicles. Because our panelists have retrofitted older homes, and have decades of experience designing and building new low-to-zero emission homes in a relatively harsh northern New England climate, they know how challenging it is. Join Thomas Tutor of ReVision Energy and passivhausMaine representative Chris Briley of BRIBURN Architects for our educational webinar on Passive House standards and the economic and environmental benefits of beneficial electrification. We’ll discuss what it means to be passivhaus certified – how you can achieve it in your own home, what modern, cost-effective technologies are available, and why we’re seeing efficiency trends move in this direction. Join us for this live Q+A and learn how you can achieve the Net-Zero lifestyle to reduce your energy bills and carbon footprint.
Chris Briley is a founding partner and principal architect of BRIBURN, and is one of the most knowledgeable building science architects in New England. BRIBURN practices “architecture for life”, specializing in energy efficient, environmentally friendly design. Chris is a founding board member of passivhausMAINE and a Certified Passive House Consultant who lives the Net-Zero lifestyle.
Thomas Tutor is the lead residential Solar Designer at ReVision Energy, and has helped hundreds of homeowners through the process of beneficial electrification to eliminate the combustion of oil, propane, natural gas and gasoline. In addition to his own solar-powered home, Thomas has designed hundreds of solar energy systems combined with hyper efficient heat pumps, battery storage and EV charging for Maine residents. Thomas has also been a part of numerous solar and battery storage projects in his hometown of Islesboro for homes, businesses (Pendleton Yacht Yard), municipal buildings, and most recently a ground mounted array to covers half the island schools electricity consumption.
ZOOM LINK: https://zoom.us/j/97478980577