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Blueprint for a Zero Carbon Economy: Achieving Maine's Climate Goals

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Achieving the emissions reductions goals of the Maine Climate Council hinges on dramatically reducing reliance on fossil fuels -- not just for home heating, but in all sectors of the Maine economy. It relies on a large-scale shift from fossil fuels to an expanded electricity grid powered mainly by new renewables. Panelists, who are experts in the field with both supporting and opposing viewpoints, will lay out what is needed in terms of investment and structure, including solar, wind, energy storage development, as well as the accompanying policy measures required, to achieve the enacted goals.

Join E2Tech for an in-depth, detailed exploration of possible pathways to a fossil fuel free economy and whether the approach is reasonable, achievable and economical. Ample time for audience Q&A will be included.


 Dr. Richard Silkman, CEO, Competitive Energy Services

Dr. Richard Perez, Senior Research Associate, University at Albany- SUNY

Dr. Jurgen Weiss, Principal, The Brattle Group

Kurt Adams, CEO, Summit Utilities, Inc


Carrie Gilbert, Senior Consultant, Daymark Energy Advisors

E2Tech events are FREE for Maine students, Public Officials, and State of Maine Employees. Please email to be registered under these categories.

Can't attend live? All registrants will receive a full video recording, the slides, and a transcript of the Q&A